Undergraduate Scholarships
These scholarships will be open to all women in Canada completing an undergraduate program. All information on how to apply for this scholarship, will be posted here and our socials. If you would like to be e-mailed about when scholarships open up please make sure you subscribe to our newsletter!

Graduate Scholarships
These scholarships will be open to all women in Canada completing a graduate program. All information on how to apply for this scholarship, will be posted here and our socials. If you would like to be e-mailed about when scholarships open up please make sure you subscribe to our newsletter!

Megan Wu 'Forget Me Not' Scholarship
The Megan Wu 'Forget Me Not' Scholarship was created in honour of a sister from Western University (Theta Eta Chapter). Megan Wu was extremely valued and cherished by her sisters. She showed others how alleviating it is to be unapologetically yourself through her confidence and support. This scholarship would be awarded to a woman who represents characteristics of resilience, sisterhood and inclusivity while excelling in their academics.
Canadian Advisor Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Canadian Advisors of Alpha Phi. This group of women wanted to provide another scholarship opportunity for women in Canada to help pursue their educational goals. This scholarship is open to young women at a Canadian University pursuing a degree at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Canadian Centennial Scholarship
The Canadian Centennial Scholarship, is a Scholarship organized by the US Alpha Phi Foundation and funded by the generous donations from the members of Alpha Phi. It is a scholarship available to any members of Alpha Phi from a Canadian Chapter. If you are wanting to donate to this scholarship, please go the US Alpha Phi Foundation donation page and select the Canadian Centennial Scholarship as the designation